Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday night

The overlocker is still not on track, so I cut out the rest of the bamboo inners for the PPs and had some time cooking and hanging out with the kidlets. We had verjuice-roasted chook for dinner - yum!

There are actually a lot of pieces to go into Rainbows PPs - 5 different template shapes for the pad and 2 for the booster. All handcut, and re-trimmed before overlocking. And 11 separate steps in the construction process after that.

There was another step with all the pads - embroidering a symbol to show the front of the pad - but I've decided to drop this out from now on; it's time-consuming and often difficult to finish well. So I guess the best way to work it out will be to remember that the stud (stickyout part of the snap) is on the LHS... the front of Rainbows pads are slightly longer than the backs so it can be difficult to tell at a glance.

It's a school and kindy day tomorrow, so hopefully I can get the overlocker running smoothly with some quiet time.

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