Friday, August 31, 2007

Well it's Friday...

and those restocks I've promised aren't ready yet!

Sorry if you've been waiting on them, but life throws us other things (constantly it seems, when there are children in the mix, lol) and I've had a few lately :)

This week I've spent a lot of time on a copyright infringement problem, so unfortunately that has cut into the bit of time set aside for sewing.

And in order to keep perspective and keep being the mum I need to be for those most important people, my kids, we have been doing stuff in the garden, the kitchen, and with our friends - see my other blog for more - so there has been lots of good stuff happening here, as well as some not so great stuff.

I'll post when I have some stock ready to go again, but in the meantime, have a good weekend; hope the weather is beautiful where you are. Ours is spectacular at the moment and we are making the most of it! :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Rainbows cloth pads design shape

Here is an example of Rainbows design shape that is used in Slim, Flexi and MaxiQD pads. This was created in September 2004 and has been sold online to customers in Australia and the US since June 2005.

This shape is covered by copyright under Australian law; this exact combination of front/back length (they are different), wing width and outer curves is the design to which I own copyright . Other people using this exact design shape is illegal, whether the copying was intentional or not. Construction method and fabric type is irrelevant; it's the exact design shape that is covered by copyright.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday stock update

Some more family things have come up so I won't add any more stock to the shop this week as planned. I'll wait till there is some space here - maybe next week - and post on Nappycino and on here before listing more stock.

Sorry if you've been waiting in the MaxiQDs, they *will* come, just not this week.

Thankyou so much to all the buyers who've been helping me out by emailing when you pay - it's made the workload easier.

Em :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday night stocking update

Wow, I'm overwhelmed by the response to this stocking! It is great to have what I make appreciated :)

So, now there is a mountain of paperwork to work through - computer entries and emails to process all of the sales, checking payments and packing orders... so there *is* more stock to come this week but I'll add it once I'm on top of existing orders. If you have an existing order, you can help me a lot by adding your order number to your bank payment transfer, and emailing me to say that you have sent payment - it saves a lot of time at this end, so I get to sew more ;)

In the meantime I've added a custom slot auction, for those who missed out and really wanted a particular pattern or style.

Still to come this week - more Flexis and Liners, some Maxi Quick Drys and, if the stars align, maybe some more PPs :)

Thanks for your support and all your kind words, it makes what I do worthwhile!

Em :)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday night - stocking time

Just a quick post in case anyone is waiting for the store to open - I won't be setting anything to live until after 8.30pm (Qld time), once the kids are in bed and I've cleaned up dinner...

Happy shopping!

PS eta - there is more stock and I will re-list when I get time. Still more Maxi Quick Drys to come this week, and some Minky Liners if I get them finished...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ozebaby restocking update - Thursday

I've set up a couple of auctions, and will load the other listings as I get time over the next week.

There are lots of Flexi pads (light-moderate flow) and Liners (very light to in-between times). A few post partum/overnight pads and a few Maxi Quick Dry wings to come as well.

Fabrics this time include lots of BV, some lush Avlyn Minky, hand dyed silk, hemp velour, and organic cotton velour...



Monday, August 6, 2007

Wednesday 8th Aug

There are a few liners previewing, I'll set them to live later in the week :)

We are getting better, still v tired from the beating our bodies took with the flu, so not taking on too much.

But I'm working through some Flexis (gorgeous prints, lots of bamboo velour and some del-ushious Minky!) and hope to have them finished next week.

Em :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wednesday update

Still horribly sick here, so off to the doctor today. I will post existing orders as people pay for them.

When the Ozebaby store re-opens there will be lots of velour and organics to come and a few extra special fabrics thrown in :)

Rainbows pads to come (when I've finished sewing Caroline's custom and some special pads) include - BV and OCV Flexis and a few Minky Liners... but the sewing machine is turned off for a few days while I try to get better.

The silver lining to this bout of sickness is that my boys are old enough to wipe their own bottoms and make their own sandwiches :) They are great kids; even through their own sickness they are trying to help me out by bringing drinks of water and giving lots of cuddles.