Friday, August 31, 2007

Well it's Friday...

and those restocks I've promised aren't ready yet!

Sorry if you've been waiting on them, but life throws us other things (constantly it seems, when there are children in the mix, lol) and I've had a few lately :)

This week I've spent a lot of time on a copyright infringement problem, so unfortunately that has cut into the bit of time set aside for sewing.

And in order to keep perspective and keep being the mum I need to be for those most important people, my kids, we have been doing stuff in the garden, the kitchen, and with our friends - see my other blog for more - so there has been lots of good stuff happening here, as well as some not so great stuff.

I'll post when I have some stock ready to go again, but in the meantime, have a good weekend; hope the weather is beautiful where you are. Ours is spectacular at the moment and we are making the most of it! :)

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